News and Opinion

African lion numbers are being overestimated by survey methods
READ MORE about African lion numbers are being overestimated by survey methods
Adapting to climate change: how do we know if it’s working?
READ MORE about Adapting to climate change: how do we know if it’s working?
Our commitment to address inequalities
READ MORE about Our commitment to address inequalities
Research shows recovering pine marten population benefits red squirrels, but the grey squirrel still poses a problem in urban areas
READ MORE about Research shows recovering pine marten population benefits red squirrels, but the grey squirrel still poses a problem in urban areas
Joining the pandemic response
READ MORE about Joining the pandemic response
Human presence weakens social relationships of giraffes
READ MORE about Human presence weakens social relationships of giraffes
Join the BES journals as an Associate Editor
READ MORE about Join the BES journals as an Associate Editor
New evidence on bed bug burden in urban neighborhoods
READ MORE about New evidence on bed bug burden in urban neighborhoods
Be kind to yourself in all the upheaval
READ MORE about Be kind to yourself in all the upheaval
What I learnt from my BES POST Fellowship 2019
READ MORE about What I learnt from my BES POST Fellowship 2019
Education under COVID-19
READ MORE about Education under COVID-19
Birds, bees and butter – new study underlines importance of biodiversity for crop production and West African livelihoods
READ MORE about Birds, bees and butter – new study underlines importance of biodiversity for crop production and West African livelihoods
How lockdown is changing the ecology of our cities?
READ MORE about How lockdown is changing the ecology of our cities?
Lack of insects in cities limits breeding success of urban birds
READ MORE about Lack of insects in cities limits breeding success of urban birds