Policy Committee vacancy – Early Career representative
We are recruiting for an early career representative to join the Policy Committee, for a three-year term.

Early career is defined as a student or within five years of PhD or with an equivalent level of professional experience. The role would suit an individual with a keen interest in the science-policy interface, and some experience in this area.
The Policy Committee guides our work supporting members to build their skills, develop their careers and enhance the policy impact of their work; communicating the value of ecological knowledge to policymakers; and promoting evidence-informed solutions. Find out more about our work programme.
Members of the Committee are expected to attend three meetings a year at Charles Darwin House, in February, May and October (remote attendance is possible), and to support the policy work of the External Affairs Team throughout the year, mainly via email. The early career representative will provide an important perspective on the committee, particularly in relation to developing our support and training programmes for early career members.
We value the diversity and wide range of perspectives that people from different backgrounds bring to their work and to ecology, and are committed to equality of opportunity. We would therefore particularly welcome applications from currently under-represented groups in the society.
To apply, please send a CV of no more than two pages, and a 1 page statement outlining your interest in the role to Ben Connor, Policy Manager, by Friday 23 September 2016. Applications will be reviewed by the Policy Committee at their October meeting.
If you would like more information before making an application, please contact Ben with any questions you may have.
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