Vision and Strategy
Read the SPG 5 year Strategy 2016-2021
What is the BES Scottish Policy Group?
The Scottish Policy Group (BES-SPG) is a group of BES members promoting the use of ecological knowledge in Scotland. We highlight how this knowledge can aid policymakers’ with decision-making. We also support the involvement of ecologists in all levels of Scottish policymaking.
What does the BES-SPG do?
We help ecologists get their message to policymakers. We also assist policymakers in understanding ecological knowledge (and ecologists!). As an organisation we do not adopt policy positions or campaign on particular issues, but focus on increasing the use of evidence based ecological knowledge in policymaking. However that does not mean that our members don’t have their own views!
Our Aims:
1. Supporting ecologists to understand and get involved in policy making, and support policy makers in understanding ecology.
We bring together ecologists and policymakers, provide training for Scottish ecologists to develop their policy skills and provide briefings to members about the latest policy news. We achieve this aim through our shadowing experiences and policy guides.
2. Promoting the use of ecological knowledge as part of a multidisciplinary approach to policy making.
We highlight the benefits of using robust ecological evidence to inform policy. We run a variety of events that encourage understanding between ecologists and policymakers, including horizon scanning sessions and our ever popular “Pie and a Pint” (PAAP) series of informal gatherings. We also organised, often in partnership with others, policy-focused research conferences and sessions. We achieve this aim through conducting our Pie and a Pint Events.
3. Providing robust ecological evidence.
We act as a focal point to provide robust ecological evidence to the Scottish Government, Scottish Parliament and wider society. We respond to requests for information, and aim to provide evidence about upcoming policy issues through proactive briefings. We achieve this aim through responding to consultations
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