This page provides training for Associate Editors handling manuscript for any ecology journal. Resources cover: How to assess a manuscript on initial submission, finding reviewers, how to assess reviewer comments, handling revisions, and writing good recommendation letters to authors.
Podcast – A guide to confidently handling manuscripts
Training videos
FAQs from the Associate Editor open call
In this podcast, Aaron Ellison (Senior Editor, Methods in Ecology and Evolution), Romina Rader (Senior Editor Journal of Applied Ecology), Andrew Beckerman (Editors-in-Chief, Ecology and Evolution) and Sara Cousins (Editor-in-Chief, Nordic Journal of Botany) give their advice to new Associate Editors on how to confidently handling manuscripts. They discuss how to assess a manuscript on initial submission, how to assess reviewer comments, handling revisions, and writing good recommendation letters to authors. This podcast was recorded at the BES 2019 Annual Meeting in Belfast.
Training videos
How to handle an original submission
Handling a revision compared to a new submission
What to look for in reviewer comments when writing a recommendation
What makes a good recommendation
How to handle an original submission
Rob Freckleton, Senior Editor for Methods in Ecology and Evolution explains as a Senior Editor what he looks for in an original submission and what is the first thing an Associate Editor should be looking for.
Marc Cadotte, past Senior Editor for Journal of Applied Ecology explains as a Senior Editor what he looks for in an original submission and what is the first thing an Associate Editor should be looking for.
Natalie Cooper, Associate Editor for Methods in Ecology and Evolution explains what she looks for when handling a new submission as an Associate Editor.
Laura Graham, Associate Editor for Methods in Ecology and Evolution explains what she looks for when handling a new submission as an Associate Editor.
Luca Börger, Associate Editor for Journal of Animal Ecology explains what he looks for when handling a new submission as an Associate Editor.
Handling a revision compared to a new submission
Rob Freckleton, Senior Editor for Methods in Ecology and Evolution explains how an Associate Editor should hande a revision compared to an original submission.
Marc Cadotte, past Senior Editor for Journal of Applied Ecology explains what makes a good recommendation from an Associate Editor.
Natalie Cooper, Associate Editor for Methods in Ecology and Evolution explains How an Associate Editor should hande a revision compared to an original submission.
Laura Graham, Associate Editor for Methods in Ecology and Evolution explains How an Associate Editor should hande a revision compared to an original submission.
Luca Börger, Associate Editor for Journal of Animal Ecology explains How an Associate Editor should hande a revision compared to an original submission.
What to look for in reviewer comments when writing a recommendation
Rob Freckleton, Senior Editor for Methods in Ecology and Evolution explains what an Associate Editor should look for in reviewer comments.
Marc Cadotte, past Senior Editor for Journal of Applied Ecology explains what an Associate Editor should look for in reviewer comments.
Natalie Cooper, Associate Editor for Methods in Ecology and Evolution explains what she looks for in reviewer comments.
Laura Graham, Associate Editor for Methods in Ecology and Evolution explains what she looks for in reviewer comments.
Luca Börger, Associate Editor for Journal of Animal Ecology explains what he looks for in reviewer comments.
What makes a good recommendation
Rob Freckleton, Senior Editor for Methods in Ecology and Evolution explains what makes a good recommendation from an Associate Editor.
Marc Cadotte, past Senior Editor for Journal of Applied Ecology explains what makes a good recommendation from an Associate Editor.
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