Scottish Government consultation: Forestry Strategy 2019-2029
Have your say and contribute to the BES-Scottish Policy Group response to Scotland’s Forestry Strategy

The Scottish Government is developing a Forestry Strategy to set out a long-term vision for Scottish forestry. The Government wants to hear views on the draft strategy’s: vision, objectives and priorities, as well as the ways in which progress can be monitored.
The Forestry Strategy consultation can be read here.
The BES- Scottish Policy Group’s approach
The questions that we would like to respond to concern:
- The vision
- The major issues the Government has identified, specifically:
- climate change mitigation/adaption;
- tree pest and diseases;
- improving native forest and woodland condition;
- protecting ancient forests and woodlands;
- water quality and soil management;
- urban forestry;
- health and wellbeing.
- Monitoring and reporting – scrutiny of suggested indicators and suggestions for others.
How you can help us
You can help us develop our response by providing scientific evidence and you can contribute in a number of ways:
- You may send us research papers to answer particular questions on the vision, issues identified by the Government or monitoring.
- You may send us comments as bullet points or paragraphs to answer particular questions – supported by references.
We are also happy to arrange a phone call with you and take notes if that is more helpful.
If you are interested in shaping the BES-SPG response, please send your evidence, the latest reports or papers by email to Maggie Keegan (Policy Officer in Scotland).
Please can we have your responses back by the end of day Monday, 22 October 2018. Maggie will collate and formulate a draft response which will need to go to the BES Policy Committee for approval and then the SPG Committee to receive final sign off ahead of the deadline for submission on the 29 November 2018.
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