UK Marine Strategy: Call for Expertise
The Government has launched a consultation on the UK Marine Strategy (Part 1). The BES Policy team will be drafting a response and we need your contributions!

Defra is seeking evidence on the UK’s updated assessment of the progress made towards achieving GES for UK Seas and the proposed objectives, targets and indicators that will be used for the next 6 year cycle.
The consultation covers the assessment of progress made towards achieving the targets set for GES in the Marine Strategy Part 1 in 2012. These relate to biological diversity, nonindigenous species, commercially exploited fish and shellfish, food webs, human-induced eutrophication, sea floor integrity, hydrographical conditions, contaminants, contaminants in fish and other seafood, marine litter and introduction of energy (including underwater noise).
The questions the BES are aiming to answer are as follows:
1) Does the UK Marine Strategy Part One provide an accurate reflection of the state of UK marine waters and the economic and social uses of those waters?
2) To what extent are the proposed new criteria and associated targets sufficient to guide progress towards achievement of GES?
3) To what extent are the proposed operational targets sufficient to achieve GES?
4) Where gaps have been identified do you have suggestions on how these could be filled?
How you can contribute:
• Draft an answer
Consultations and inquiries involve a list of specific questions around a particular topic. We encourage you to draft responses to questions that are relevant to your work.
• Submit evidence
Where you would like to get involved but are unable to provide us with a draft answer, we are happy to receive other forms of evidence. This can be in the form of a list of peer-reviewed journal articles or bullet points summarising research.
• Review the response
You may also offer to review responses drafted by the Policy Team and contributing members. We welcome feedback and suggestions, supported by relevant references, to fill any evidence gaps in our responses.
If you would like to contribute or discuss the consultation, please e-mail Sara at
Contributions should be submitted by 28 May.
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