Book your place on our first mid-career grant writing retreat
Would you like support writing large grant applications? This retreat brings together people of the same career stage with successful grant winners.

We are pleased to announce our first grant writing retreat for mid-career ecologists. Designed to focus on funding calls over £500,000 and into the millions, this event is aimed at anyone currently or soon to apply to ERC, NERC, BBSRC or other large grant making bodies.
We will begin the three day programme by considering ‘Am I ready?’ – reviewing CV’s, H Index, rankings, networks and individual contexts. We will look at balancing Innovation and Risk and addressing the criteria of grant making bodies.
We will then start looking more specifically at grant application processes section by section, sharing ideas through facilitated workshops and begin to help you shape your own applications.
The final morning will be an opportunity for delegates to focus on their own projects, applying the lessons learned throughout the retreat.
We aim to bring together mid-career ecologists with successful grant winners who will be on hand throughout the retreat to offer advice and support. Our current confirmed speakers include:
Successful ERC funded researchers Dr Emma Sayer (Lancaster University) and Dr Zoe Davies (University of Kent).
NERC funded researcher Prof Alistair Boxall (University of York) and NERC review panel Chair Prof Chris Thomas (Aberystwyth University).
With additional speakers and representatives from Research Councils in the UK and Europe, we’re putting together a programme to provide you with all the support you need in getting that first big grant.
This 3 day retreat is being held on Wednesday 1 to Friday 3 March 2017, hosted at the Royal Society, Chicheley Hall. Registration includes all catering and accommodation for the duration of the retreat.
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