News and Opinion

Microbeads: small plastics causing big problems

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Microbeads: small plastics causing big problems

Microplastics and microbeads are causing significant problems for the health of our marine life

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The BES parliamentary shadowing Scheme: a trip to Brussels

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The BES parliamentary shadowing Scheme: a trip to Brussels

Rory O'Connor reflects on his experience shadowing Julie Girling MEP as part of the 2015 BES Parliamentary Shadowing Scheme

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Parliamentary inquiry into forestry in England

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Parliamentary inquiry into forestry in England

Contribute to our response to the EFRA Committee forestry inquiry

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State of Nature 2016 – new analytical approaches and knowledge gaps

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State of Nature 2016 – new analytical approaches and knowledge gaps

State of Nature 2016 report analysed over 50 datasets over 40 years of monitoring by 50 conservation and research organisations.

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Why Brexit matters for more than just European Research

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Why Brexit matters for more than just European Research

Lewis Bartlett considers some of the unintended consequences of the vote to the leave the EU for international collaborations and early career researchers

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Don’t forget about the (other) bees…

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Don’t forget about the (other) bees…

The honeybee is not the only pollinator. There are about 20,000 species of bee worldwide and 250 species in the UK alone yet for the vast majority of people the honeybee springs to mind when thinking of a bee.

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Policy engagement support for mid-career ecologists: share your views

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Policy engagement support for mid-career ecologists: share your views

Help shape our new policy award program

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Policy Committee vacancy - Early Career representative

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Policy Committee vacancy - Early Career representative

Help shape our work at the science-policy interface

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The first EU list of 37 invasive alien species comes into force

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The first EU list of 37 invasive alien species comes into force

The first 37 invasive alien species have been listed under the IAS Regulation and their associated restrictions now come into force. This is a welcomed step to stop the loss of biodiversity.

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People, Politics and the Planet: Any Questions - Storify

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People, Politics and the Planet: Any Questions - Storify

What next for the UK environment post-Brexit?

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Future of the natural environment after the EU referendum

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Future of the natural environment after the EU referendum

Contribute to our response to the Environmental Audit Committee's new inquiry.

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“We cannot afford a two year pause in our pursuit of excellence” – Brexit and Science Inquiry responses

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“We cannot afford a two year pause in our pursuit of excellence” – Brexit and Science Inquiry responses

A round up of responses to the Brexit and Science Inquiry.

READ MORE about “We cannot afford a two year pause in our pursuit of excellence” – Brexit and Science Inquiry responses
Jo Johnson gives evidence to Brexit and Science Inquiry

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Jo Johnson gives evidence to Brexit and Science Inquiry

Jo Johnson addresses concerns about Brexit and science.

READ MORE about Jo Johnson gives evidence to Brexit and Science Inquiry
Discussions from the People, Politics and the Planet: Any Questions event

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Discussions from the People, Politics and the Planet: Any Questions event

Write up of the discussion held at the People, Politics and the Planet: Any Questions event

READ MORE about Discussions from the People, Politics and the Planet: Any Questions event
Science and Technology Committee inquiry: what does leaving the EU mean for UK science?

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Science and Technology Committee inquiry: what does leaving the EU mean for UK science?

Contribute your views on the the implications and opportunities of leaving the European Union for UK science

READ MORE about Science and Technology Committee inquiry: what does leaving the EU mean for UK science?