News and Opinion

Introducing the BES Policy Guides: helping ecologists engage with the policy world

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Introducing the BES Policy Guides: helping ecologists engage with the policy world

The first in a series of new resources to help ecologists engage with policy

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A General Election from out of the blue: What does this mean for ecology?

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A General Election from out of the blue: What does this mean for ecology?

What does this snap general election mean for ecology and the environment?

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A first foray into policy: Voice of the Future 2017

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A first foray into policy: Voice of the Future 2017

Daniel Leybourne shares his first experience of engaging with the world of policy at Voice of the Future

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Article 50 triggered: the challenges ahead for science and the environment

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Article 50 triggered: the challenges ahead for science and the environment

What do the Brexit negotiations mean for ecology and ecologists?

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Improving the evidence base for tackling the threat of invasive non-native species

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Improving the evidence base for tackling the threat of invasive non-native species

Raising awareness during Invasive Species Week: improving the evidence underpinning invasive non-native species

READ MORE about Improving the evidence base for tackling the threat of invasive non-native species
Voice of the Future 2017: a scientist's perspective

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Voice of the Future 2017: a scientist's perspective

Daniella Rabaiotti reports on a unique opportunity for scientists in Parliament

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Parliamentary inquiry into the UK's role in Arctic sustainability - contribute to our response

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Parliamentary inquiry into the UK's role in Arctic sustainability - contribute to our response

Contribute to the BES's response to the EAC inquiry into the UK's role in Arctic sustainability.

READ MORE about Parliamentary inquiry into the UK's role in Arctic sustainability - contribute to our response
We need to talk about Nitrogen

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We need to talk about Nitrogen

Nitrogen deposition is contributing factor to the decline in biodiversity. Plantlife's report explains why.

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SPG Scottish Environment Week Breakfast

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SPG Scottish Environment Week Breakfast

Tagging MSPs, urban meadows and eDNA data: the Science for Environmental Futures breakfast event

READ MORE about SPG Scottish Environment Week Breakfast
Responding to Select Committee Inquiries

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Responding to Select Committee Inquiries

Martin Smith, a Specialist at the House of Commons Science & Technology Committee, presented his top tips for responding to Select Committee Inquiries at the first policy lunchbox of 2017

READ MORE about Responding to Select Committee Inquiries
Westminster, wildlife and waste crime: Lessons learnt during my BES POST Fellowship

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Westminster, wildlife and waste crime: Lessons learnt during my BES POST Fellowship

BES Fellow Daniella Rabaiotti shares the top ten lessons from her placement with the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology.

READ MORE about Westminster, wildlife and waste crime: Lessons learnt during my BES POST Fellowship
My Scottish parliamentary shadowing experience: juggling everything from beavers to toxic waste

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My Scottish parliamentary shadowing experience: juggling everything from beavers to toxic waste

Chloe Bellamy shares her experience of spending two days in Scottish Government with Roseanna Cunningham MSP.

READ MORE about My Scottish parliamentary shadowing experience: juggling everything from beavers to toxic waste
Parliamentary inquiry on research integrity – contribute to our response

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Parliamentary inquiry on research integrity – contribute to our response

Help shape our response to the Science and Technology Committee's inquiry

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A glimpse inside the European Parliament

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A glimpse inside the European Parliament

Siobhan Vye shares her experience of spending three days in the European Parliament with Julie Girling MEP, as part of our 2016 Parliamentary Shadowing Scheme.

READ MORE about A glimpse inside the European Parliament
Natural Capital Committee publishes 4th Report

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Natural Capital Committee publishes 4th Report

The Natural Capital Committee has published its 4th Report, focusing on protecting and improving England’s natural capital through the 25 Year Environment Plan

READ MORE about Natural Capital Committee publishes 4th Report