News and Opinion

Press release: Lianas stifle tree fruit and seed production in tropical forests

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Press release: Lianas stifle tree fruit and seed production in tropical forests

A new study published in Journal of Ecology shows that lianas numbers are on the rise in many tropical forests around the world.

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Press Release: Choice of winter cover crop mixture steers summer crop yield

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Press Release: Choice of winter cover crop mixture steers summer crop yield

New research shows that the productivity of a next main crop can be manipulated through the choice of species in a preceding winter cover crop mixture.

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Press Release: Corn Seed Treatment Insecticides Pose Risks to Honey Bees, Yield Benefits Elusive

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Press Release: Corn Seed Treatment Insecticides Pose Risks to Honey Bees, Yield Benefits Elusive

New research in the Journal of Applied Ecology finds honey bees are at risk from neonicotinoids that show no improvement to crop yield

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Press Release: Bloomin' Shade! Shady gardens can be beautiful too

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Press Release: Bloomin' Shade! Shady gardens can be beautiful too

We will be shedding light on the science behind shade tolerance in plants at this year's RHS Chelsea Flower Show.

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Shining a Light on Coastal Light Pollution

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Shining a Light on Coastal Light Pollution

Light pollution impacts sealife as much as climate change

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Press Release: 'Whispering' keeps humpbacks safe from killer whales, study finds

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Press Release: 'Whispering' keeps humpbacks safe from killer whales, study finds

Newborn humpback whales 'whisper' to their mothers to avoid being overheard by killer whales, researchers have discovered.

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Press Release: Conservation measures can increase the risk of bark-beetle damage

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Press Release: Conservation measures can increase the risk of bark-beetle damage

New research in Journal of Applied Ecology assesses the conflict between forest restorations for conservation and the risk of pest insect outbreaks.

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Press Release: Harvesting wildlife affected by climate change?

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Press Release: Harvesting wildlife affected by climate change?

A new polar bear study published in Journal of Applied Ecology aims to balance conservation and subsistence needs.

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Press release – Beyond eating: Indirectly, deer change the landscape

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Press release – Beyond eating: Indirectly, deer change the landscape

A new paper published today in Journal of Ecology looks at how deer affect forest plant composition by altering facets of the forest environment, including light availability, soil compaction, and the thickness of a particular layer of soil.

READ MORE about Press release – Beyond eating: Indirectly, deer change the landscape
Press Release: Road salt alternatives alter aquatic ecosystems

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Press Release: Road salt alternatives alter aquatic ecosystems

New research in Journal of Applied Ecology shows road salt alternatives and additives alter freshwater food webs and ecosystems.

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Press Release: Egg white could crack problem of predicting bluetongue outbreaks

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Press Release: Egg white could crack problem of predicting bluetongue outbreaks

A new study in Journal of Applied Ecology has found that a protein in egg white could help control outbreaks of bluetongue virus.

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Press Release: Wintering ducks connect isolated wetlands by dispersing plant seeds

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Press Release: Wintering ducks connect isolated wetlands by dispersing plant seeds

Wintering ducks connect isolated wetlands by dispersing plant seeds

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Q&A: How can we save the world’s turtle and tortoise species from the wildlife trade?

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Q&A: How can we save the world’s turtle and tortoise species from the wildlife trade?

What are the priorities for the illegal trade of less charismatic freshwater turtle and tortoise species? - A Practitioner's Perspective.

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Press Release: Sounding Them Out – A Unique Conservation Tool for Monitoring Bush-Crickets

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Press Release: Sounding Them Out – A Unique Conservation Tool for Monitoring Bush-Crickets

New research published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution shows how existing bat monitoring could improve our understanding of bush-crickets.

READ MORE about Press Release: Sounding Them Out – A Unique Conservation Tool for Monitoring Bush-Crickets