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Press release: Sweat bees on hot chillies - native bees thrive in traditional farming, securing good yield

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Press release: Sweat bees on hot chillies - native bees thrive in traditional farming, securing good yield

New research in Journal of Applied Ecology shows traditional farming creates attractive habitat for native sweat bees.

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Press Release: What will the wasp plague be like this year?

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Press Release: What will the wasp plague be like this year?

New research published in Journal of Animal Ecology shows that wasp populations are increased by warmer and drier springs.

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Press release: Wheat virus crosses over, harms native grasses

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Press release: Wheat virus crosses over, harms native grasses

New research in Journal of Ecology shows that a common wheat virus can spread and harm perennial native grasses.

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Press Release: Lichens and the "health" of ecosystems

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Press Release: Lichens and the "health" of ecosystems

It's now possible to use lichen as a truly global ecological indicator.

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Press release: Research provides first signs of python effects on Florida ecosystems

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Press release: Research provides first signs of python effects on Florida ecosystems

New research in Journal of Applied Ecology suggests invasion of the Burmese python could dramatically alter the Everglades’ ecosystem.

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Q&A: Cryptic frogs, counting chirps and conservation

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Q&A: Cryptic frogs, counting chirps and conservation

Q&A on new research in Journal of Applied Ecology on acoustic monitoring of a cryptic frog species.

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Press Release: Why plants eat faeces when they could eat flesh

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Press Release: Why plants eat faeces when they could eat flesh

A new study published in Journal of Ecology asks what drives a carnivorous pitcher plant to abandon eating meat in favour of a diet of bat faeces.

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Press Release: New forecast tool helps ships avoid blue whale hotspots

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Press Release: New forecast tool helps ships avoid blue whale hotspots

A new paper published in Journal of Applied Ecology describes the development of WhaleWatch, a new tool to help ships avoid endangered whales.

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Press Release: Controversial black bear hunt disproportionately harvests nuisance bears and reduces human-bear conflicts

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Press Release: Controversial black bear hunt disproportionately harvests nuisance bears and reduces human-bear conflicts

New research published in Journal of Applied Ecology shows regulated hunting of a recovered black bear population helps to control population size.

READ MORE about Press Release: Controversial black bear hunt disproportionately harvests nuisance bears and reduces human-bear conflicts
Press Release: Production of seedless fruits - an under-estimated tool for improving food security

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Press Release: Production of seedless fruits - an under-estimated tool for improving food security

New research from Journal of Applied Ecology shows how seedless fruit production can increase fruit quality and quantity, reducing the need for pollination.

READ MORE about Press Release: Production of seedless fruits - an under-estimated tool for improving food security

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Press Release: Study shows fracking could threaten Britain’s richest wildlife habitats

Analysis published in Journal of Applied Ecology, shows many areas opened up for potential shale gas extraction are home to species crucial to ecosystem functioning.

READ MORE about Press Release: Study shows fracking could threaten Britain’s richest wildlife habitats
Press Release: Diversified management provides multiple benefits in boreal forests

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Press Release: Diversified management provides multiple benefits in boreal forests

New research shows there are strong conflicts between intensive timber harvesting and the provision of other benefits for the maintenance of biodiversity.

READ MORE about Press Release: Diversified management provides multiple benefits in boreal forests
Press Release: Impact of pesticide on bumblebees revealed by taking experiments into the field

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Press Release: Impact of pesticide on bumblebees revealed by taking experiments into the field

A new study, published in Journal of Applied Ecology, shows that the development of bee colonies placed in the field is affected by pesticide exposure.

READ MORE about Press Release: Impact of pesticide on bumblebees revealed by taking experiments into the field