Database for the Biological Flora of the British Isles

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Accounts published from 1999 onwards are available to access free of charge, and articles published before 1999 can be accessed online through JSTOR.

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15 results sorted alphabetically

Species Author(s) Year DOI Other Resources
Eleocharis palustris S.M. Walters 1949 10.2307/2256753 EF, BSBI
Eleocharis uniglumis S.M. Walters 1949 10.2307/2256753 EF, BSBI
Elytrigia repens J.H.Palmer & G.R. Sagar 1963 10.2307/2257764 EF
Empetrum nigrum J.N.B. Bell & J.H. Tallis 1973 10.2307/2258934 EF, BSBI
Epilobium brunnescens A.J. Davey 1961 10.2307/2257237 EF, BSBI
Epipactis palustris H. Jacquemyn, R. Brys & M.J. Hutchings 2014 10.1111/1365-2745.12287 EF, BSBI
Epipogium aphyllum L. Taylor & D.L. Roberts 2011 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01839.x EF
Erica ciliaris R.J. Rose, P. Bannister & S.B. Chapman 1996 10.2307/2261483 EF, BSBI
Erica cinerea P. Bannister 1965 10.2307/2257993 EF, BSBI
Erica mackayana D.A. Webb 1955 10.2307/2257145 EF, BSBI
Erica tetralix P. Bannister 1966 10.2307/2257818 EF, BSBI
Eriophorum angustifolium M.E. Phillips 1954 10.2307/2256893 EF, BSBI
Eriophorum vaginatum R.W. Wein 1973 10.2307/2259047 EF, BSBI
Eryngium maritimum M. Isermann & P. Rooney 2014 10.1111/1365-2745.12243 EF
Euonymus europaeus P.A. Thomas, M. El-Barghathi & A. Polwart 2011 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2010.01760.x EF