Database for the Biological Flora of the British Isles

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Accounts published from 1999 onwards are available to access free of charge, and articles published before 1999 can be accessed online through JSTOR.

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18 results sorted alphabetically

Species Author(s) Year DOI Other Resources
Hedera helix D.J. Metcalfe 2005 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2005.01021.x EF
Helianthemum apenninum M.C.F. Proctor 1956 10.2307/2256855 EF, BSBI
Helianthemum nummularium M.C.F. Proctor 1956 10.2307/2256855 EF
Helianthemum oelandicum ssp. Incanum M.E. Griffiths & M.C.F. Proctor 1956 10.2307/2256856 EF, BSBI
Heracleum mantegazzianum G.E.D. Tiley, F.S. Dodd & P.M. Wade 1996 10.2307/2261365 EF
Heracleum sphondylium A.W. Sheppard 1991 10.2307/2260795 EF
Himantoglossum hircinum P.D. Carey & L. Farrell 2002 10.1046/j.0022-0477.2001.00640.x EF
Hippocrepis comosa G.M. Fearn 1973 10.2307/2258658 EF
Hippophaë rhamnoides M.C. Pearson & J.A. Rogers 1962 10.2307/2257460 EF
Holcus lanatus A.R. Beddows 1961 10.2307/2257274 EF, BSBI
Holcus mollis J.D. Ovington & G. Scurfield 1956 10.2307/2257179 EF, BSBI
Hornungia petraea D. Ratcliffe 1959 10.2307/2257255 EF
Hyacinthoides non-scripta G.E. Blackman & A.J. Rutter 1954 10.2307/2256895 EF, BSBI
Hymenophyllum tunbrigense P.W. Richards & G.B. Evans 1972 10.2307/2258054 EF, BSBI
Hymenophyllum wilsonii P.W. Richards & G.B. Evans 1972 10.2307/2258054 EF, BSBI
Hypericum linariifolium R.B. Ivimey-Cook 1963 10.2307/2257759 EF, BSBI
Hypochaeris maculata T.C.E. Wells 1976 10.2307/2258783 EF
Hypochaeris radicata R. Turkington & L.W. Aarssen 1983 10.2307/2259607 EF